Thursday, August 5, 2010

Humanist Debate

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'd like to solicit your ideas for the upcoming debate with the Greater Worcester Humanists, which is scheduled for Saturday, September 25 at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Shore Drive. As a primer to conversation, I would like to present you with some material from the Humanists' website, outlining the virtues and doctorine of the Humanist movement. You'll remember that the topic of the debate will be "Christianity or Humanism, Which Holds the Better Hope for Humanity". Here are the aforementioned links:

What is Humanism, by Fred Edwords

Humanist Manifesto III - 2003

Humanist Manifesto II - 1973

Humanist Manifesto I - 1933

Other Humanism Essays and Links

Michael Hughes and myself will be participating in this first debate. We'll be meeting on August 20th at the Old Timer in Clinton to discuss our strategy, and anyone who is interested in participating on that evening is welcome to provide us with their feedback. We'll also be holding something of a "mock" debate in the course of the meeting on September 11th.

In the meantime, please provide some feedback on the Humanist literature referenced above. The wider the circle of intellectual vision we can bring to this debate, the better off we will be. You can leave your comments by clicking on the link below that says "# COMMENTS". If you have any questions about leaving comments online, shoot me an email.

