Thursday, April 15, 2010

May Meeting Agenda

Dearest Chestertonians,

We cannot help but extend our most sincere gratitude to James Woodruff for his presentation last Saturday on the subject of "Chesterton and Edmund Burke". His presentation was thorough and erudite, as well as entertaining. I didn't see a single Chestertonian fall asleep for his whole talk (I was watching). It also sparked some lively discussion on politics, history, and topics in between. The complexity of these issues tempts us to oversimplification - and discussion leads to understanding. As Chesterton said, politics is one of two things worth arguing about. Thanks for provoking the argument, James.

Speaking of arguments, the agenda for our May meeting will focus on the current health care debate in the United States. I have selected some readings related to the topic and have attached them to this email in pdf format. However, I don't want to limit the discussion to the ideas included in the attached documents. Since Chesterton wasn't available for comment on the health care legislation, we are forced to infer his ideas from other writings. Any light that can be shed by Chestertonians (present or no) on this topic will be most welcome. Here's to a hearty debate.

The writings I have selected come from three sources: Chesterton, Dale, and the Distributist Review. They are marked either as GK, Dale, or DR, resepctively. They ar all fairly short - less than ten pages each.

We'll be meeting at our normal time and place - May 8th at 7PM, at the Webster House Restaurant in Worcester.
Other notes:
  • Last year we met bi-monthly during the summer, taking off June and August. It has been suggested that we switch to taking off July and August instead, as these are the times that most people are away for summer vacation. Please let me know via email, or in person, if you have a preference for either arrangement.
  • Please keep abreast of developments in the Society via our website: Daily perusal will ensure that you never miss a moment of the excitement that membership provides.
  • Speaking of membership, we have two types. Honorary members come to meetings and sometimes pay for their own dinners. Honorable members also sometimes pay for their own dinners and have paid their dues of $25 per year. Of which type are you?

Best always,


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